Located at the IUSB Elkhart campus, the MS-SLP program shares instructional and clinic space with the occupational therapy and nurse practitioner programs. The main building is right downtown within walking distance to coffee shops, restaurants, stores, the St. Joseph River, housing, and fitness centers. On the lower level of the building, there are two primary classrooms for the OT and SLP programs. Faculty have their offices on this level as well as a small conference room. Further down the hall are the clinical laboratory spaces. At just over 900 square feet, the speech language pathology clinic space houses a primary working room containing intervention materials, diagnostic equipment, and a collaborative learning space. Off of the main room, there are three treatment rooms with one-way mirrors accessible through an observation room. The treatment rooms are outfitted with video cameras for observation and reflection following sessions. The occupational therapy laboratory spaces include a sensory motor room and a room dedicated to activities of daily living, complete with a working kitchen, bath, and laundry. Upstairs, nursing students practice clinical skills in their skills lab. Students have access to a student lounge boasting 4 microwaves and 2 refrigerators as well as couches and tables for eating and studying. There is also a computer lab and additional classroom space on the upper level.