Service Learning Opportunities

Service Learning in Health Sciences:

Bringing together classroom learning and practical experience

Students in the Health Sciences have the opportunity to gain real world experience before graduating from Indiana University South Bend through enrollment in HSC-A291/A491: Service Learning in Health Sciences*. Typically, this course takes place in junior or senior year. This internship-like course is designed to encourage students to gain relevant experience in the field while also reflecting on how their experience mutually benefits the greater community and the community site.

(If you would like to view a video on how to navigate this site, please refer to this recording.)


In this course, students can expect to:

  • Explore a potential career field
  • Develop career related skills and abilities
  • Expand existing knowledge
  • Integrate classroom theory with real-life experiences
  • Experience and develop professional skills
  • Improve marketability upon graduation


*If you are a BSAHS student looking for an internship opportunity, please contact Laura Acchiardo for assistance.

Bashor LogoCharmel Spain knew she wanted to support healthy lifestyles for youth in the area. She connected with her professors and gained an opportunity at Bashor Children’s Home where she learned alongside professionals and made a difference in the field.”

Information for Hosting a Student

Students in the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program complete an internship-like experience with a community partner for course credit. This experience provides a mutually-beneficial opportunity for Health Promotion, Rehabilitation Science, Speech Language Pathology and Sports and Exercise Science students gain real-world, real-life experience.

The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences is a non-clinical program and students are not trained in electro-physical modalities. If students are likely to be in contact with patient/client care, then an affiliation agreement needs to be executed. 

A variety of credit hour options exist for students. Students may complete between 40 and 240 hours at your site, with 120 hours (3 credit hours) being most common.Students are expected to work closely with the site supervisor to avoid class conflicts while meeting the needs of the organization

This course meets requirements for students in a versatile degree program.The objectives for the course should be determined by the student and supervisor to ensure the needs of the student and the site are met. Students must meet these objectives:
1. Engage in an immersion experience to gain a holistic view of a career/organization
2. Describe two career options through with a healthcare organization
3. Give two examples of skills in professional communication and leadership
4. Identify three related community health services in the region
5. Explain the importance of personal and social responsibility

Here is a syllabus for this course to review as a reference. (Please not that some items change from semester to semester.)

According to Dwyer School of Health Sciences policy, students will complete a background check, disclosure form, AHA CPR certification, Blood Borne Pathogen training, and HIPAA training.

Students are informed that additional training and documentation may be required for your site.

This is an agreement between the student, the site supervisor, and the class instructor. Students complete the form with the supervisor to ensure roles and expectations are clear. This needs to be completed before the experience begins.

Students will provide community site supervisors a performance evaluation at the mid point and end of their experience. These evaluations are for site supervisors to assess a student's performance during the service learning experience. Site supervisors may also reach out to the course facilitator at any time if an issue occurs.

Contact Dr. Andrew Doyle
Clinical Asst. Professor

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